
How To Make A Mice Trap

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Mouse traps tin can be a piffling bit expensive, especially if y'all have a serious mouse problem. Fortunately, it's piece of cake to make cheap, effective mousetraps with everyday items. The crafty homeowner tin can plough cardboard rolls, plastic bottles, and coffee cans into homemade mousetraps.

  1. 1

    Obtain a long cardboard tube with one end closed. The tube might be from a newspaper towel roll or poster. It should exist at least 12 inches long, 2-5 inches in bore at its mouth, and have one end stopped with record or with a cap. Place something soft in the closed end such as cotton fiber balls or a wad of soft material.

  2. 2

    Flatten the tube along one edge. In social club to make the the tube sit on a apartment surface without it rolling about, you'll need to create a flat edge on the tube. Press a long pucker in the tube along its length, and then printing another crease in the tube approximately twoscore degrees around from the start pucker. Stick a ruler in the tube to further flatten the space between the shortest distance from one crease to the other.


  3. 3

    Bait the tube. Place a piece of cheese, candy, or bread in the far terminate of the tube. Ensure information technology is of sufficient mass to attract a mouse only non so heavy that information technology will significantly alter the weight of the tube. Exercise not choose foods which are pasty or gummy; they can exist hard to get all the way downwards the tube.

    • If you do want to use, say, peanut butter, you could apply them to the bait end of the tube earlier applying the cap.
  4. four

    Place the tube on the edge of a countertop or 2nd story landing. Place the tube in such a mode and so that well-nigh forty% of it, including the baited stop, hangs over the border of the landing. If necessary, affix the tube with a modest piece of tape, just take care not to record it then firmly that it would not give mode and tip over the border of the landing or countertop when the baited cease was subjected to slight force.

    • If you're in a unmarried story dwelling house, obtain a cardboard box approximately one foot high and craft a cardboard ramp up to the top of the box. Place i terminate of the tube at the end of the box.
  5. five

    Place a trash can beneath the tube. The can should be wide enough to accommodate the falling tube. Place a small pillow, soft cloth, or pad on the lesser of the can to cushion the tube and mouse who will soon exist trapped within.

    • Practice not use a trash can which is as well broad. If you lot do, information technology'due south possible the tube will come to residuum on an bending, rather than directly upward and down. If that happens, the mouse will be able to climb out of the tube easily.
  6. six

    Cheque the trap frequently. When y'all meet the tube sticking upright out of the trash can, it means the trap has been sprung. Wait down the tube to ensure the mouse is inside. Remove the tube and, keeping it upright with the open end up, take it at least five to ten miles from your house, preferably in an surface area free of housing.[ane] Dump the mouse out of the tube gently in a field or meadow.

    • This type of trap is extremely effective, and platonic for mice living on or with admission to a second story.
    • If y'all don't think it's appropriate to drop the tube into a garbage pail several feet below the upper-story landing, you could affix the whole tube with a piece of string to the landing itself. That mode, instead of dropping down into the garbage pail when the mouse triggered the trap, the tube would drop away and dangle harmlessly off the ledge until you recovered it.


  1. ane

    Obtain a one liter plastic water bottle. A similar canteen would piece of work as well, but one liter h2o bottles are ideal because they are long and narrow, and often have flat sides which allow them to sit undisturbed. You could substitute a two liter canteen as well. Whatever type of canteen you cull, ensure information technology is transparent and composed of thin, pliable plastic.

  2. two

    Cut around the bottle's circumference one inch from the identify where it starts to taper toward the cap. If the canteen were standing upward, you'd exist cutting in a long horizontal line effectually its circumference. Do not cut the top completely off; rather, cutting approximately ninety% of the way around the bottle with a scalpel or extendable blade.

    • When finished, the bottle should exist flexible at the "hinge" (the 10% of the top and body of the bottle y'all did not cutting).
  3. 3

    Lay the bottle on its side with the hinge on the table. With a black marker, marking two points on the side of the bottle approximately i centimeter from the identify where it has been cut, one on the left side of the cut and i on the right side of the cutting. The marks should be located half a centimeter from the elevation border of the bottle. Rotate the canteen 180 degrees along its horizontal axis and identify symmetrical marks on the other side.

    • If yous're using a round bottle rather than a bottle with roughly rectangular sides, it is more difficult to gauge where to place the marks. Try to place the marks about ninety degrees apart from each other around the circumference of the bottle, 2 on one side of the cutting and two on the other.
  4. four

    Insert skewers into the bottle. Take 2 five-inch wooden skewers of the kind used to grill shish kebab or construct various arts and crafts projects. They should be but a millimeter or so in diameter. Printing the 2 skewers through the bottle from one set of points to the other using the marks you lot fabricated.

    • The skewers should laissez passer through it in ii parallel lines which run perpendicular to the normal orientation of the bottle if it were to stand on its base of operations.
    • Insert a third skewer, one-half as long as the first two, into the cease of the bottle (the base of operations the bottle would stand up on in a standard vertical orientation). Stick a piece of cheese on the terminate of the skewer which is within the canteen.
  5. five

    Affix a string to the bottle. With your canteen oriented so that the swivel is on the surface of the table, you should now have a bottle with two skewers through its upper part (one simply to the left and one only to the right of the identify you fabricated the cut). Plow the bottle over so that the hinge is on the height. Unscrew the cap and place a cord equally long as the canteen approximately one inch down through the rima oris. Screw the cap dorsum on tightly with the string still partway inside. Give the string a slight pull to ensure it is snugly in identify beneath the bottle cap.

  6. 6

    Identify rubber bands around the skewers. Rubber bands about 1 centimeter in diameter  are ideal. If you have problem finding a band that pocket-sized, try using some rubberband hair ties. With the hinge on the upper side of the canteen, loop one band around the two skewers on the left side of the bottle and another ring around the skewers on the right side of the bottle.

    • When you pull upwards on the cap of the bottle while it's laying on its side with the swivel oriented to a higher place the skewers, the bands should pull back with slight resistance.
    • Tie the other cease of the string in a loop around the skewer sticking out the far end.
  7. vii

    Place the trap in an enticing position. Identify it in areas like forth a wall or a high-traffic expanse near a mouse hole. When the mouse enters the canteen to consume the cheese, pull back on the string looped around the skewer sticking out of the bottle's bottom. The bottle will snap closed on the mouse, trapping it within.

    • If you accept a skittish mouse, you may need to modify the endmost machinery so that rather than pulling the looped string up from the skewer in the bottle's end by hand, you pull from a distance away with some other length of cord. Doing and so could increase the trap's effectiveness, but will require more patience on your part.
  8. 8

    Take the mouse a altitude from your home and release information technology. Wear germ-free gloves and carry the bottle in an upright position at least five to ten miles away from whatsoever human habitation.[two] Open the trap in a meadow or forest, assuasive the mouse to go complimentary. Dispose of the sanitary gloves and bottle trap.

    • This blazon of trap is perfect for a brave or arrogant mouse who thinks he has the run of the house. If mice take become accustomed to human activity and brazenly scurry about fifty-fifty in the presence of many people, you'll exist able to snap this trap closed on them with trivial trouble.


  1. 1

    Obtain a large coffee tin. The tin can should have a mouth approximately five to 6 inches across and a top of virtually seven to eight inches. The coffee tin should have smooth sides which cannot exist hands scaled past rodents. If using economy size coffee cans which are 10 inches deep or more than, place a small pad or bunched cloth at the bottom to prevent injury to the mouse you'll catch.

    • Yous tin can use plastic or metal java cans. If using metal, though, ensure they aren't ribbed with concentric rings which the mouse might utilise like a ladder to escape.
  2. 2

    Wrap a slice of construction paper over the top of the tin can. Agree the paper in place using a rubber ring wrapped around the rim of the tin. Accept an extendable bract and cut an "X" in the top of the construction paper, stopping near one inch from the edge of the tin at each of the four lines.[3]

    • Tissue paper might also work in place of construction paper.
    • It is important to maintain the appearance that the papered-over coffee tin can is capable of supporting the mouse when it walks across it. Instead of cutting a solid "X", yous could endeavor poking pocket-size, closely-spaced holes in an "10" shape across the surface of the newspaper.
  3. iii

    Place the can on the floor in an surface area where the mouse resides. Lay a long ruler or paint stirring stick from the floor to the oral fissure of the coffee tin. If necessary, affix the ruler or stick to the tin with tape.[4]

    • Mice come in dissimilar sizes. If you find that your mice are unable to scamper up the thin ruler, consider placing two next to each other and taping them together to ensure easy admission to the trap.
  4. 4

    Place a piece of nutrient on the structure paper. Place the food -- cheese, a piece of candy, or bread -- along the border of the coffee can direct opposite the point at which the ruler, paint stirring stick, or other ramp-like object you've affixed to the coffee can meets the tin's mouth.[5]

    • Do not select a bait nutrient which is likewise heavy or gives lie to the illusion that the papered-over surface of the coffee can is stable.
    • Do not place the coffee can near a countertop or stride stool from which the bait could be eaten from the far side of the ramp without passing over the structure paper.
  5. 5

    Wait for the mouse to fall in. The mouse volition run up the ruler to attain the food on the reverse side of the coffee can, then fall into the can when the evidently solid surface gives way below it. You'll know the trap has been sprung if you run into the allurement you lot laid is no longer there, or if the construction paper has been partially torn. Check the can for the mouse.

    • Remove the ruler or makeshift ramp from the tin can and take the can to a location about five to 10 miles from human habitation.[6] Identify the can on the ground and plough it sideways, allowing the mouse to exit.


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  • Question

    Why aren't mice existence attracted to the food I'm using as bait?

    Chikezie Onyianta

    Chikezie Onyianta is a Pest Control Specialist and the Owner of EcoFusion Pest Control, serving communities in New Bailiwick of jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. With over v years of experience, he specializes in pest control in both residential and commercial spaces. A graduate of Essex County Higher, Chikezie and EcoFusion aid in rodent, roach, and ant pest control as well as bed problems services.

    Chikezie Onyianta

    Pest Command Specialist

    Expert Respond

    It could be that you take a high female population of mice that are looking for nesting materials, not nutrient. Try using cotton balls or ripped-up paper towels instead of food.

  • Question

    Can I keep a mouse as a pet in a trap? I want a mouse but my family unit won't allow me become ane because "they're gross". I can't get a big cage or my family will know. What nearly possibly a cereal box as a cage?

    Community Answer

    Wild animals are not meant to exist pets; the mouse will suffer because it's not meant to be confined like a pet mouse. It would be roughshod to keep it in a cereal box.

  • Question

    Is there any way I tin get mice out of my room without telling my family? I'm fourteen and my room was messy. It might not be my fault but I've seen two mice and I'm afraid my family will get mad if I tell them.

    Community Answer

    When you are free, you tin can create a default mouse trap and catch the mouse. But, also keep in listen that your family is your family and that they won't become mad if you just tell them the problem. If that is not working, and so take hold of the mouse yourself.

  • Question

    How do I make a big trap?

    Ryan Kulka

    Ryan Kulka

    Community Answer

    You can only upscale the build. You can use an old water jug and smaller sticks. The only problem would be deciding what kind of bait to use.

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Things You'll Demand

  • Bucket
  • Cardboard or toilet roll
  • Peanut Butter / bread fleck / cheese for bait
  • Tape
  • Coffee can
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler or paint stirrer
  • Rubber bands
  • H2o canteen
  • Wooden kebab skewers

About This Article

Article Summary X

Mousetraps can exist expensive, so, fortunately, it's easy to make cheap, effective mousetraps at abode with everyday items. Become a cardboard tube that's at to the lowest degree 12 inches long and close one end with tape or a cap. Flatten the tube slightly so information technology can sit down on a surface without rolling, then put a slice of cheese, processed, or bread in the far end of the tube. Put it on the border of a countertop, hanging the baited end over the edge. Identify a trashcan beneath the tube so when the mouse crawls inside the trap will driblet into the can and yous can safely grab and release the mouse into the wild. To learn how to make a mousetrap out of a plastic bottle, go on reading!

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